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Medical History Update-Good Communication is Key

AUTHOR Sharise

Make sure your review and update your medical history at every visit.  Tell your dentist about any prescription and over-the-counter drugs you’re taking, any surgeries you have had (especially those involving the heart or joints – artificial knee or hip replacements, for example) and any existing health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease or cancer that can affect your oral health.  The medications and conditions for which they’re prescribed can have an impact on the care provided.  You want to make sure that any possible negative interactions are avoided and appropriate precautions are taken before beginning routine dental procedures.  If you have had a hip or knee replacement or have a heart murmur, for example you may need antibiotics before any dental work in order to reduce the risk of infection.

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10 “Who Knew” Dental Facts

AUTHOR Sharise

1. Flossing can increase your life expectancy. True or False?
True. By flossing daily, you can gain an additional 6 years! How? Poor oral hygiene may lead to inflammatory gum diseases and heart disease. By flossing, we rid our mouths of these disease-causing bacteria.


2. What percentage of adults are afraid of the dentist?
More than 80% of adults experience some degree of dental fear. And more than half say this fear may keep them from seeing the dentist


3. Chewing gum is bad for your teeth. True or false?
False. Most dentists give gum the thumbs up-as long as it’s sugarless. Chewing gum stimulates saliva flow, which helps protect your teeth against decay-causing bacteria.


4. Toothpaste has an expiry date. True or false?
True. Any toothpaste containing fluoride must carry an expiration date and typically it’s two years after the manufacturer date. After this date, fluoride in the toothpaste loses its ability to brush away bacteria in the mouth and protect against cavities.


5. What is the hardest substance in the human body?
Enamel, the outer protective layer of your teeth is the hardest substance in the human body.


6. It’s OK to keep your toothbrush near the toilet as long as it doesn’t

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Expectant Mothers’ Periodontal Health Vital to Health of Her Baby

AUTHOR Sharise

In the October 2013 issue of Dental Teamwork, an article was written about how a mother’s overall oral health can also affect the health of her baby.

When a woman becomes pregnant, she knows how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle to ensure the health of her baby; it is now highly recommended that expectant mothers maintain their periodontal health as well.

Periodontal disease is a chronic, bacteria-induced inflammatory condition that attacked the gum tissue, and in worse cases, the bone supporting the teeth. Tenderness, redness, swollen/bleeding gums are all signs of periodontal disease. These signs, especially during pregnancy, should not be ignored and may require treatment from a dental professional.

Research has indicated that women with periodontal disease may be at risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes like low-birth weight and pre-term babies. Babies with a birth weight of less than 5.5lbs may be at risk of long-term health problems such as delayed motor skills, social growth and learning disabilities.  Similar complications are true for babies born 3 weeks before their due date. Because of this, we encourage pregnant women to take care of their oral health with regular dental cleanings during their pregnancy.

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Chewing gum and migraines

AUTHOR Sharise

Chewing gum. Your child’s favourite addiction. Did you know that gum-chewing may be the culprit of your child’s headache/migraine? Dr. Nathan Watemberg of Tel Aviv university-affiliated Meir Medical center published his findings in Pediatric neurology.

While typical triggers of headaches in adolescents are stress, tiredness, heat, video games, noise, sunlight, smoking, missed meals and menstruation, Dr. Watemberg noticed that many patients who reported headaches were daily gum chewers.

For this study, Dr. Watemberg observed 30 patients who had chronic headaches/migraines and chewed gum daily (for at least an hour and up to 6 hours a day). He asked them to stop chewing gum for a month and recorded the results. After a month of not chewing gum, patients reported that their headaches/migraines went away completely or that they experienced a decrease in the frequency and severity of their headaches. To test the results, the participants started chewing gum daily again for 2 weeks. Each of them reported the return of their symptoms within days.

Dr. Watemberg concluded that chewing gum puts stress on the TMJ (the joint where the jaw meets the scull) causing migraines and headaches. He says his findings can be put to use immediately. Doctor’s can advise their patients, teenagers with chronic headaches, to simply

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The Save 90 A Day Campaign-Take the Pledge!

AUTHOR Sharise

The Save 90 A Day Campaign!

Did you know the average person wastes at least 90 glasses of water every day by leaving the tap running while they brush their teeth?
That means in the United States alone, we’re pouring 27 billion glasses of clean, drinkable water every day, just brushing our teeth.
Add your voice to the growing chorus of people around the world who believe that every drop counts, and are pledging to turn off the tap when they brush.
It’s easy to “Save 90 A Day!”
Sign the Dental Patient Pledge Below


I am committed to my oral health and to the health of our planet.

I agree to follow the advice of my dental professionals to brush my teeth twice a day and conserve ninety glasses of water every day by:

1. Wetting my toothbrush under the water
2. Turning off the tap
3. Applying toothpaste
4. Brushing my teeth for 2 minutes
5. Filling a small glass with water
6. Rinsing and swishing with water from the glass.
7. Smiling!


I’m proud to “Save 90 A Day!”

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Bad Breath-Halitosis

AUTHOR Sharise

Bad breath (also known as halitosis), we’ve all had it on occasion, but did you know that it is a common condition found in at least 50% of the adult population, with 25% of that group having chronic bad breath?

Here are the most common causes of Halitosis:

1. Sinuses and Tonsils: materials trapped in tonsils are part of our normal defence system. If you have overall healthy gums and teeth, the cause of bad breath could be a sign of a medical disorder such as sinusitis or a respiratory tract infection. You dentist can evaluate the situation and refer you to a medical doctor if needed.

2. Gastric Issues: Although not the most common of bad breath causes, people with gastric issues (gastric reflux and gastrointestinal issue) may experience halitosis. Semi digested food forced back through the sphincter, difficulty digesting certain foods like lactose and corn products, and people infected with Helicobacter pylori (bacteria that thrive on the stomach walls) create more bad breath issues.

3. Food and tongue: Alcohol, cigarettes and specific foods (onion, garlic, etc.) are all contributors to bad breath.

4. Dental causes: Poor oral hygiene, plaque build-up, dental decay, periodontal disease and gingivitis.

5. Health conditions and medications: Medications that cause xerostomia (dry mouth) are all sources of bad breath. Saliva helps cleanse our mouth by removing bacteria. When we lack saliva flow, bad breath can

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Oral Piercings… How Safe Are They?

AUTHOR Sharise

While one may consider oral piercings a way of self expression, they must also consider the possible complications and problems that may arise.

When it comes to oral piercings, more dental professionals would not recommend it. Like any injury, one may expect pain, swelling, infections and scar tissue formation, these are only primary problems. With oral piercings, secondary infections may arise and they can be very serious.

If you, or your child are considering an oral piercing, please read below and consider every possibility before making your decision.

What exactly is an oral piercing?

An oral piercing is a piercing anywhere in, or around the mouth. They usually consist of a stainless steel, gold, titanium, plastic or nickel rings or barbells.

What problems can an oral piercing cause?

Problems depend on the area of the piercing. In most cases, tongue, lip, or below the tongue piercings can cause chipping of the teeth, it is recommended that you use plastic jewelry as this may be less damaging.

Tongue piercings, or piercings below the tongue are most prone to serious infections because both these areas have high blood supply. Infections of these areas can be very dangerous because if swelling occurs, one may chance an obstructed airway, which may be life threatening.

Nerve or muscle damage is another problem that can arise. While not usually serious or permanent, it may be unnerving to the

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