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Crowns, Bridges & Implants


Bridge placement is a great way to replace a missing tooth. A bridge normally consists of three parts (but this depends on how many teeth are being replaced). Two of the parts are porcelain fused to metal crowns that are placed on the neighbouring teeth of the missing tooth. The third part is a fake tooth that gently rests on the gum tissue where your tooth once was. This procedure normally takes two appointments. Like crown work, at the first appointment we prepare your teeth for bridgework. This procedure normally takes an hour and half, but it could take longer if more teeth are involved. At the end of this appointment we will send you home with a temporary bridge temporarily cemented in your mouth. After a week we will bring you in for your second appointment to have your new bridge permanently cemented.


The crowns we offer at our office are usually porcelain fused to metal crowns. We place crowns for many reasons but the main reason is to add strength to a root canalled tooth or a heavily restored tooth. This procedure normally takes two appointments. At the first appointment we prepare your tooth for crown work, this normally takes about an hour and a half. At the end of this appointment we send you on your way with a temporary crown. After a week we will invite you back to our office to have your brand new crown permanently cemented to your tooth.


Losing one or more of your teeth creates a gap in your smile, affects your ability to chew properly, and can alter your diet and nutrition. In addition to these serious issues, tooth loss also causes bone loss. A missing tooth can be replaced by a dental implant without altering the healthy neighboring teeth. This process from start to finish can take about a years time. Once the implant is healed and integrated with the bone,  a post is attached providing support for your final crown.

Dental implants are the new standard of care for tooth replacement. They bond with healthy bone and provide permanent support for dental crowns and dentures. Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth. Implants, like natural teeth, stimulate the jaw and prevent bone loss. When a tooth is lost, the jawbone beneath it shrinks from lack of stimulating. Not only does this affect your smile, but it can also change the shape of your face causing you to look prematurely aged. Plus, with dental implants, healthy teeth are not compromised.

At Innovation Drive Dental, in Woodbridge, most of our implants are placed by our in-house Periodontal Specialist. If you think that a dental implant is the best option for replacing a missing tooth, feel free to contact us at 905-264-0333.

Book an appointment for a crown, bridge or implant today or view our other dental services.


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