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Canker Sores

AUTHOR Sharise

Apthous Ulcers, otherwise known as Canker Sores, are recurrent ulcers within the mouth. They normally appear between the ages of 10 and 20 years old, and are most common in women.

Although there is no direct link to the cause of these ulcers, it is believed that certain foods (citrusy or acidic fruits and vegetables), stresses, vitamin deficiencies (folic acid and B12), and immune problems may be a somewhat cause.

There are three categories of apthous ulcers.

1. Minor Apthous Ulcers:  80% of all cases, no larger than 2-8mm in diameter, last 10-14 days, no scarring left.

2. Major Apthous Ulcers: 10-15% of all cases, larger than 10mm in diameter, last 2-8 weeks, potential of scarring.

3. Herpetiform Apthous Ulcers: 5-10% of all cases, multiple ulcers ranging between 2-3mm, usually painful, no potential of scarring.

While most people do not experience any discomfort and no treatment is required, topical analgesics and anesthetics have been prescribed for those who experience pain. If sores occur frequently, you should see a doctor to rule out any possible underlying systemic disorders.

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AUTHOR Sharise

A less expensive alternative to veneers? Here at Innovation Drive Dental we are proud to introduce a new service called Componeer™ restorations. Componeers™ are polymerised, nano-hybrid-composite shells that can be bonded to your teeth using the same material used in regular restorations.

The Componeer™ shells come in a variety of different sizes to ensure the perfect fit for each tooth. These shells can be used to restore a single tooth, or your whole smile.

Unlike porcelain veneers, Componeers™ are economical and efficient. They save the patient money and the dentist time and extra expenses.

To learn more about this product and to see some before and after pictures please visit http://us.componeer.info/home/

If you think Componeers™ are a good solution for your smile insecurities, give the office a call at (905) 264-0333and we would be happy to get you in for a FREE consultation.

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Wisdom Teeth

AUTHOR Sharise

Third Molars, a.k.a. wisdom teeth are the last teeth to develop in our mouths. They normally begin erupting around our late teens/early twenties. Most of us do not have room in our mouth for these teeth to properly erupt. Because of this, we may begin to experience jaw pain, sore gum tissue, or bad tastes in our mouth caused by infection. Even if one does have room for the proper eruption of wisdom teeth, they are very difficult to keep clean and tend to still cause some problems. In many cases, the best solution is to extract these teeth.

Your dentist will normally take a panoramic x-ray or full mouth series of x-rays (trying to capture the wisdom teeth) to monitor development and eventually determine the location of your third molars so that they can grasp the level of difficulty for extracting these teeth. Not all dentists extract wisdom teeth so they may decide to refer to you to an oral surgeon.

The surgery may be simple or more complex. If you believe your wisdom teeth are causing you problems please contact our office 905-264-0333. We would be happy to set up an appointment with you to discuss all options.

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Pulp Friction

AUTHOR Sharise

Are you experiencing prolonged discomfort and sensitivity to hot and cold? Does this discomfort feel like a dull ache that just won’t go away? What you are experiencing may be more than a cavity. This may be pulpitis. Pulpitis is inflammation of the pulp tissue within the tooth. Pulpitis normally occurs when a large cavity has broken through the 2 outer layers of the tooth (enamel and dentin) and reaches the inner pulp (nerves and blood supply).  This exposes the pulp to bacteria and infection resulting in inflammation and pressure. Often, the pain and pressure can build to the point where the surrounding teeth begin to hurt as well. This is known as referred pain.

There are two type of pulpitis: Reversible and Irreversible. Reversible can be treated by removing the decay and restoring the tooth with a properly sealed filling. Once this is done, it is possible for the tooth to heal itself and get back to normal. Irreversible occurs when the pulp becomes badly damaged by bacteria, in this case, the tooth must be treated with root canal therapy or an extraction.

The good news is that pulpitis is highly preventable. Avoid pulpitis by:

  • Having regular dental checkups to spot problems before they start.
  • Schedule needed fillings as soon as possible. Cavities will only get worse with time.
  • Call us immediately if you experience sensitivity or pain.

Don’t let a minor issue develop into a

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Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking

AUTHOR Sharise

Thinking of quitting smoking? Here are some great health benefits that may help you get the ball rolling!

  • Within 20 minutes after quitting, blood pressure and heart rate decrease
  • Within 12 hours, carbon monoxide levels in the blood decrease to normal
  • Within 48 hours, nerve endings and sense of smell and taste both start recovering
  • Within 3 months, circulation and lung functions improve
  • Within 9 months, there are decreases in cough and shortness of breath
  • Within 1 year, the risk of coronary heart disease is cut in half
  • Within 5 years, the risk of stroke falls to the same as a non-smoker, and the risks of many cancers (mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, cervix) decrease significantly
  • Within 10 years, the risk of dying from lung cancer is cut in half, and the risks of larynx and pancreas cancers decrease
  • Within 15 years, the risk of coronary heart disease drops to the level of a non-smoker; lowered risk for developing COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

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April is National Oral Health Month!

AUTHOR Sharise

As part of a healthy lifestyle and to help reduce the risk of oral disease, follow these 5 steps to good oral health. Your whole body will thank you for it.

See your dentist regularly

• Regular checkups and professional cleanings are the best way to prevent problems or to stop small problems from getting worse.

• Your dentist will look for signs of oral disease. Oral diseases, such as oral cancer, often go unnoticed and may lead to or be a sign of serious health problems in other parts of the body.

Keep your mouth clean

• Brush your teeth and tongue at least twice a day with a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

• Floss every day. Flossing reaches more than a third of your tooth surface that is otherwise neglected with just brushing.

• Your dentist may also recommend that you use a fluoride or antimicrobial mouthrinse to help prevent cavities or gum disease.

Eat, drink, but be wary

• Healthy food is good for your general health and oral health. The nutrients in healthy foods help you to fight cavities and gum disease.

• Limit consumption of sugar – one of the main causes of dental problems.

• Limit consumption of highly acidic food and drinks. The acid may contribute to dental erosion.

Look for warning signs and tell your dentist

• Look for warning

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Grinding and Clenching

AUTHOR Sharise

Sore jaw, headaches, neck pain, ear aches, migraines. Do you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms? Often in the morning when you wake up? All of these could be signs of bruxism. Bruxism is a condition where one may grind (brux) and/or clench their teeth. This mainly occurs overnight when you are unaware of it, but may also be occurring during the day when under stress. Bruxism is something you should be aware of. Most are not aware of this habit until they experience pain or until their dentist notices signs within the mouth (loose teeth, receding gum tissue, worn down enamel and sensitive teeth).

Night guard splints are great options to prevent further damage to your teeth. These night guards are typically made of plastic, are fitted to the contours of your upper and/or lower teeth, and are usually worn at night.  Although this will not stop your clenching/grinding habits, it will prevent additional wearing of your teeth and temporomandibular (jaw) joints.

If you are experiencing bruxism (grinding/clenching), give our office a call. We would be happy to get you in for a quick assessment with one of our doctors, and if needed, we would be happy to have one of our lovely dental assistants take impressions for a custom night guard.

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Root Canal Therapy Myths

AUTHOR Sharise

Root canal therapy is considered to be the most feared dental procedure. Most people fear this procedure based on someone else’s experience, not their own. Because of this, patients are likely to make silly decisions like having a tooth extracted instead of saving it.

Here are some root canal myths that may change the way you view root canals.

1. Root Canal Therapy Is Painful: In most situations, people require root canal therapy because they are experiencing pain caused by infection, a fractured tooth, or a nerve that is slowly dying. All of these conditions can be very uncomfortable. Root canal therapy is a procedure where the nerve of the tooth (the source of the problem) is removed. Many people who have had root canal therapy report that the procedure was comfortable (although long) and felt immediate relief.

2. Completing A Root Canal Requires Several Appointments: While this may be true in some cases, most of the time root canals only require ONE appointment. More than one appointment depends on a few factors. 1) Severity of the infection, 2) Difficulty of the root canal (shape of the nerves, location of the tooth in the mouth, etc), 3) Referring a patient to an endodontist.

Properly restoring a root canalled tooth may require a couple more appointments, but these appointments are not associated with the actual root canal procedure.  These other

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Crowns VS. Veneers

AUTHOR Sharise

In cosmetic dentistry, crowns and veneers are both great options to enhance the look of your smile. Both veneers and crowns can change the shape of your teeth, the shade, and the way you feel about your smile. While this all sounds great, make sure you know whether or not you are a candidate for either treatments.

Veneers are the more conservative approach to a better smile. They are similar to a fake nail in the sense that your dentist will remove a thin layer of your natural tooth in order to make room for your new porcelain veneer to be cemented. Veneers are the best option when it comes to cosmetic dentistry, however, Porcelain veneers are not always the best choice if a patient grinds or clenches their teeth. These actions can cause the veneers to pop off regularly. If you already have veneers and find you are in the dental chair frequently to have them cemented back on, a night guard may help with this problem.

Crowns are a good option if your tooth has already been heavily restored, if it’s fractured, weakened with a root canal or grinding, or are in relatively bad shape where a lot of preparation will be required. The process for crown work is more involved and more of your natural tooth is removed to make room for your new crown. Because of this, make sure to discuss any alternatives with your dentist.

Every case is different, and it needs to be assessed carefully by your dentist so that you will get a set of teeth that are

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