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Back to School Lunch Snacks: A Dental Guide for Healthy Smiles

AUTHOR Dr Shulman


As the school year kicks off, parents everywhere are packing lunchboxes with nutritious snacks to keep their kids energized throughout the day. But while focusing on fueling young minds, it's equally important to consider how these snacks impact their oral health. Here’s a guide to choosing back-to-school lunch snacks that will keep your child’s smile as bright as their future.

1. Crunchy Fruits and Veggies

Apples, carrots, celery, and cucumbers are not just tasty—they're also great for your teeth! These crunchy snacks act like natural toothbrushes, scrubbing away food particles and bacteria from the surface of teeth as your child chews. Plus, they stimulate saliva production, which helps neutralize acids in the mouth and wash away harmful substances.

2. Cheese, Please!

Cheese is a fantastic snack for dental health. It’s rich in calcium and phosphates, which help strengthen tooth enamel. Additionally, cheese can help balance the pH levels in the mouth, reducing the risk of cavities. Pairing a small piece of cheese with fruits or whole-grain crackers makes for a tooth-friendly and satisfying snack.

3. Yogurt and Dairy Alternatives

Yogurt is another dairy product that's beneficial for oral health, as it contains calcium and probiotics. Probiotics promote healthy gums by reducing the number of harmful

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Will AI Change Dentistry?

AUTHOR Dr. Jennifer Shulman  |  TAGS Dentist Woodbridge, Dentist Vaughan, Dentist Kleinburg, Dentist Brampton, Dentist Bolton, Woodbridge Dentist, Vaughan Dentist, Brampton Dentist, Kleinburg Dentist, Bolton Dentist, Woodbridge Dentistry, Vaughan Dentistry, Kleinburg Dentistry, Brampton Dent

Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize the field of dentistry, offering numerous benefits and applications that can transform patient care and treatment outcomes. AI algorithms have the potential to significantly enhance diagnostic capabilities by analyzing large volumes of dental data. This technology enables dentists to accurately diagnose conditions such as cavities, periodontal disease, oral cancers, and temporomandibular joint disorders, leading to early intervention and improved patient outcomes.

In addition to diagnosis, AI plays a crucial role in precision treatment planning. By analyzing historical patient data, treatment outcomes, and scientific research, AI systems can provide evidence-based recommendations for procedures, material selection, and restoration techniques. This technology helps dentists optimize treatment protocols, improve orthodontic procedures, and enhance prosthetic design and placement, resulting in more precise and effective treatment plans.

The integration of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) with AI is revolutionizing dental education, treatment planning, and patient communication. VR simulations allow students to practice dental procedures in a virtual environment,

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"The Tooth Hurts: A Humorous Guide to Keeping Your Mouth Healthy"

AUTHOR Dr. Jennifer Shulman

"Smile! It's time to brush up on some dental humor and learn how to keep those pearly whites shining bright. We all know that taking care of our teeth is essential, but it doesn't have to be a boring chore. So, grab your toothbrush and get ready to laugh your way to good oral health!"

  1. The Flossophy of Life: "Flossing is like a dance for your teeth. You have to get in there and boogie to remove all those pesky food particles. Remember, flossing isn't just for show—it's the secret to a healthy smile. So, embrace your inner flossophy and groove your way to dental success!"

  2. Toothbrush Tango: "Choosing the right toothbrush is crucial. Think of it as a partner for your teeth in the dance of oral hygiene. Opt for a toothbrush with soft bristles and a handle that fits comfortably in your hand. Trust me, you don't want a toothbrush that leads you into a tangled tooth tango!"

  3. The Art of Toothpaste Squiggles: "Squeezing toothpaste onto your brush is an art form. Some people go for the swirl, while others prefer the zigzag. Whatever your style, just remember to use a pea-sized amount and go easy on the squiggles. You don't want your sink looking like a modern art masterpiece!"

  4. The Mythical Creatures of Plaque: "Plaque is like a mythical creature that sneaks into your mouth while you sleep. It's a sticky,

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Receeding Gums

AUTHOR Dr. Jennifer Shulman

Gum Recession: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Gum recession is a common dental problem that occurs when the gum tissue that surrounds and supports your teeth begins to pull back or wear away, exposing the tooth's root. If left untreated, this disease can lead to sensitivity, discomfort, and even tooth loss. To stop further harm to your teeth and gums, it's critical to seek treatment from a dentist as soon as you think you have gum recession.

Here, we'll discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for gum recession.

Causes of Gum Recession

Gum recession can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

1. Brushing too hard: Overbrushing or using a toothbrush with hard bristles can cause the gum tissue to wear away, leading to gum recession.

2. Periodontal disease: If left unchecked, this bacterial infection of the bone and gums that support your teeth can result in gum recession.

3. Genetics: Some individuals may be more genetically predisposed to gum recession.

4. Hormonal alterations: Gum decline is more likely to happen if there are hormonal alterations during pregnancy or menopause.

5. Tobacco use: Smoking or using other tobacco products can make tooth recession more likely.

6. Grinding or clenching your teeth can place undue strain on the gums and cause recession.


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Doggie tooth brushing

AUTHOR Dr Jennifer Shulman

Just as we at Innovation Dental in Woodbridge recommend brushing your baby’s teeth early your Vet will recommend starting to brush your pup's teeth between the ages of eight and sixteen weeks. This is vital to the health of his teeth and starting out this early will make it much easier for him to get used to this daily activity. That's right, you should be brushing your pup's teeth every day before bedtime, just like you do your own.

Begin by putting some dog-specific toothpaste on the brush and letting him lick it off. Then, you can put the toothbrush with toothpaste on it in your dog's mouth and try a few strokes. After seven to 10 days, you might be able to start brushing your dog's teeth.

What You Need to Brush Your Dog's Teeth: A soft, clean toothbrush. You can buy a dog toothbrush at a pet store, or you can use a human toothbrush with soft bristles, but only use toothpaste for dogs.

Without brushing, plaque can build up, putting your dog at risk for bad breath, gum disease, and tooth decay. It can also cause painful infections. Severe infection can spread, causing life-threatening conditions.

It's ideal to begin home care when your pet is young however, it is never too late to start.

There are many different methods to prevent dental disease and to assist with dental hygiene at home, some of which include:

  • Regular brushing
  • Treats and chews
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Black stain on kids teeth

AUTHOR Dr Jennifer Shulman

Black staining of teeth due to Chromogenic (coloured) bacteria can be a source of poor self-esteem for patients, especially children. It looks like pigmented black lines along the gumline. This type of stain seems to be more prevalent in children. It is due to the presence of a form of bacterial plaque living in the child’s oral environment. Children that are prone to this usually outgrow it as their adult teeth erupt. The bacteria native to the oral environment does change over time.

The best and only way to get rid of this black staining is good oral hygiene. This requires both diligent home care and regular dental visits. Colonization of plaque bacteria can occur within 24 hours of brushing and within 72 hours this colonization irreversibly adheres to your tooth surface...Hence brushing in an interval of 12 hours can help in preventing this colonization. Consistent strict oral hygiene measures like brushing twice daily and flossing are the only way to prevent staining due to bacteria. Regular visits to your dentist can also keep a check on staining issues. These stains do polish off with dental prophylaxis, but they do come back…. so home care is the only way to keep it at a minimum until the next dental visit.

Other causes of tooth staining, aside from chromogenic bacterial staining, include habits like smoking, betel

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Oral Health holiday Gift ideas

AUTHOR Dr Jennifer Shulman  |  TAGS Dentist Woodbridge, Dentist Vaughan, Dentist Kleinburg, Dentist Brampton, Dentist Bolton, Woodbridge Dentist, Vaughan Dentist, Brampton Dentist, Kleinburg Dentist, Bolton Dentist, Woodbridge Dentistry, Vaughan Dentistry, Kleinburg Dentistry, Brampton Dent oral health gifts

Cocofloss - Le Beauty Bar

Have you made your holiday gift list and checked it twice? If you’re still shopping around for your child, give a gift that promotes oral health for lasting benefits beyond the holiday season.

For toddlers, teens, and children in every stage in between, here are just a few ideas of dentist-approved gifts that reinforce good oral habits:

  • For children of any age: Fun flavoured toothpaste, toothbrushes, floss, soft picks or other interproximal cleaners, or electric toothbrushes 

  • For toddlers: how-to children’s books and DVDs that make dental hygiene fun

  • For pre-teens and teens: an electric toothbrush, clear braces, or the hottest trend in floss...a subscription from cocofloss https://cocofloss.com/

  • For the child with a sweet tooth: dark chocolate, sugar-free gum and lollipops, trail mix

  • For the athletic child: a mouthguard

Helping your child grow

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Wisdom teeth issues as an Adult

AUTHOR Dr. Shulman

Most people associate wisdom teeth with late teens and young adults. They start to develop and grow-in between 18 and 25 years of age. Patients feel that if they have had no issues by the time they turn 30 they are "out of the water ".  As dentists, we know that this is just not the case. We see patients with wisdom tooth concerns at all ages. These teeth are very far back in your mouth and keeping them clean is very difficult. Wisdom teeth are more likely to get cavities than other teeth just due to the fact that cleaning them may be close to impossible. As dentists we struggle to get a successful filling in the wisdom teeth as well, so often they are recommended to be removed rather than restored. For those patients that have decided to keep their impacted wisdom teeth, it is important to follow them with regular xrays, as widom teeth can burrow a hole into the tooth infront of if from underneith the bone. This will ultimately result in the unfortunate loss of a healthy tooth, which could have been prevented.


Contrary to popular belief, wisdom teeth can just start hurting even later in life. Many people get misdiagnosed with

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How Do I Select the Best Dentist Near Me

AUTHOR Dr Jennifer Shulman  |  TAGS dentist near me Dentist Woodbridge, Dentist Vaughan, Dentist Kleinburg, Dentist Brampton, Dentist Bolton, Woodbridge Dentist, Vaughan Dentist, Brampton Dentist, Kleinburg Dentist, Bolton Dentist, Woodbridge Dentistry, Vaughan Dentistry, Kleinburg Dentistry, Brampton Dent

                                                                                 Finding a New Dentist in Kitchener: A Crash Course by Dr. Kyle Hornby         

How do I choose a dentist near me? There is a dentist office in every plaza. Which one do I choose? Studies have shown that most people google business or product before deciding if it is right for them. Reviews have a lot of merit. As a business owner, we take these reviews very seriously. It is one of the best compliments for someone to write an unsolicited review. But, as much as reading reviews are important, word of mouth referrals are also a great way to find a dentist. Speak to your neighbours or the other parents at school drop off or pick up, or at the other local businesses you attend. Furthermore, you can post a question on the local social

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