Porcelain Veneers
If you have chipped front teeth, large restorations on your front teeth, looking to close some gaps at the front of your mouth, or have slightly misaligned teeth, veneers might be right for you. We will have you come in for a consultation to decide if veneer work is the best way to improve your smile. Once a decision has been made we will bring you in for two appointments. At your first appointment we will prepare your teeth for veneer work. This involves removing a small amount of enamel from the front of your tooth. When all teeth have been prepared we will temporarily cement temporary veneers onto your teeth and send you on your way. A week after your first appointment we will bring you back to our office to permanently cement on your veneers. Check out that Hollywood smile!
***Porcelain Veneers are considered cosmetic dentistry and will not be covered by your dental insurance. ***