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The top 10 must haves in your weekly groceries... From a Dentists POV

AUTHOR Dr Shulman

When it comes to maintaining healthy teeth and gums, what you eat can have a big impact. A balanced and nutritious diet benefits your overall health, but also keeps your teeth strong and free from decay. In this article, we'll look at the top 10 foods to eat for healthy teeth and gums.

  1. Cheese: Cheese is an excellent source of calcium, essential for strong teeth and bones. It also contains casein, a protein that neutralizes acids in the mouth that cause tooth decay.

  2. Leafy Greens: Leafy greens like spinach and kale are high in calcium, as well as other critical nutrients like folic acid and vitamin K. These nutrients help to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent gum disease.

  3. Apples: Apples are high in fibre, which Read more

Is your Pool water staining your teeth?

AUTHOR Dr Jennifer Shulman

Nothing is more refreshing than playing around in a swimming pool on a hot day. Some people visit their local community pool or participate in backyard swim and BBQ afternoons. Many children are involved in camp programs that include daily swimming lessons and open swim. If you are lucky enough to have your own pool, you may plunge in daily when temperatures are at their highest. Unfortunately, there are some downfalls to having regular exposure to swimming pool water. Besides drying out your skin and turning your hair green, you may not be aware; it can actually promote tooth erosion or tooth staining.


“Researchers at New York University (NYU) and The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) have both reported that prolonged exposure to unbalanced pool water can result in tooth stains and the erosion of tooth enamel.  Also, The American Journal of Epidemiology published the results of a survey of close to 750 competitive swimmers, from 1986 to the present. About 39 per cent of them had experienced tooth enamel erosion and stains”.

Swimming pools need to be kept at a pH level of about 7.5. If that level increases to more than 7.8 ( pH to high) , the water is in an alkaline state. Studies show that when children and adults swam for more than six hours each week in an alkaline pool, they were at a higher risk for developing stained teeth. Unsightly stains appear as a result of the high pH water combined with

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Easter Egg Hunt

AUTHOR Dr. Shulman


Some egg-citing ideas

With the kids being home so much these days, constant snacking is turning up to be a bigger issue than before the COVID lockdown or school at home. Today's kids are definitely not treat deprived. Easter seems to be so much about chocolate and candy that it is almost not a treat anymore. Instead, we should consider filling big plastic eggs with things that are not candy.  Here are some great ideas I have heard of from my patients over the past few weeks.

  • Eggs filled with notes for a special outing or walks with Mom or Dad, ie: some one-on-one time
  • Eggs filled with jewellery, lip balms, nail stickers, toy cars,
  • Eggs filled with sugarless gum
  • Puzzle piece scavenger hunts
  • Eggs filled with money
  • Eggs filled with glow in the dark stars to decorate kids rooms
  • Nail polish or certificates for a home spa day
  • COCO Floss , coloured floss sticks or travel size toothpaste ( had to put in a dental suggestion..lol)
  • gift cards  like Roblox or Vbucks
  • Air pods...that's right Air pods

Hope everyone enjoys their long weekend and stays safe. The weather is beautiful to get outdoors.

Happy Easter from your friends at Innovation Drive Dental in Woodbridge.

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How Dental Professionals feel about mask- wearing

AUTHOR Dr. Shulman  |  TAGS Dentist Woodbridge, Dentist Vaughan, Dentist Kleinburg, Dentist Brampton, Dentist Bolton, Woodbridge Dentist, Vaughan Dentist, Brampton Dentist, Kleinburg Dentist, Bolton Dentist, Woodbridge Dentistry, Vaughan Dentistry, Kleinburg Dentistry, Brampton Dent masks wearing a mask

What do Dentists and Dental Professionals think about mask-wearing?

For as long as I can remember Dentists and Dental Hygienists have been wearing masks to work on patients. It is our normal. What is new for us is the type (or level) of masks we are now wearing. As well, we used to remove the mask after each patient and only wear a mask during the treatment, not in the office common area. With the new Covid-19 Pandemic currently going on now we wear a mask at all times while in the office and change the second layer of mask between patients. Some days we work a 12 hour day wearing a mask. We are getting used to this… it is what is. But the public seems to be having an issue with mask-wearing, even for a 20-minute shopping experience.  Here are our 2 cents on this as it pertains to dentistry.

  1. Unless you have a LEGITIMATE health condition that prohibits you from wearing a mask for a 10 minute trip to Walmart or the one-minute walk to the dental chair from their car…Just wear it!  It is the policy at Innovation Drive Dental in Woodbridge and everywhere else! Do your part, otherwise, stay home.
  2. Studies have shown that 50% of people brush their teeth better and more often since wearing a mask as it forces you to smell your own breath….ewe
  3. We have had less cosmetic dental emergencies since we reopened as patients state they can just “cover up their broken front tooth with their

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Can biting my nails affect my teeth

AUTHOR Dr. Shulman


As with many habits, nail biting can be a hard habit to break. Some kids start this very young and continue into adulthood, and some people start only as an adult. Often it is the consequence of nerves, stress or anxiety. Not only is the habit problematic for the hands and nails it can also pose a problem for the teeth and mouth. Our hands harbour numerous bacteria as we touch things throughout the day…money, handrails, steering wheel, elevator buttons etc. If we are constantly putting our hands in our mouth we are more susceptible to catching viruses and bacterial infections. At innovation Dental in Vaughan we have seen many patients come into the office with worn, chipped or broken teeth from biting their nails. More surprisingly we often find slivers of nails embedded in the gum tissue or damage to the tissues from sharp or jagged nail edges. The habit can also lead to pain in the jaw joint or popping noises… or actually move teeth overtime.

It is best to try to

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Dental Myths People Actually Believe- Part 1

AUTHOR Michelle

Lemon water or apple cider vinegar daily is not bad for your teeth.


Fact is, this is NOT TRUE.

While lemon water and apple cider vinegar may help with gut health, they may have detrimental effects on teeth which are irreversible. The truth is that frequent exposures to acidic foods can erode enamel, making teeth more susceptible to decay over time.

It's also a myth that brushing straight after gets rid of the damage, as it actually makes things worse. Brushing immediately after eating or drinking high-acid foods, may strip enamel that has been softened by acid. So even though a squeeze of lemon or lime can turn a simple glass of water into a fun beverage, it's not always the best choice for your mouth. Make sure to drink plenty of plain water.

BOTTOM LINE: The acid in lemon or apple cider vinegar may weaken dental enamel and lead to loss of minerals that may cause tooth decay. Wait at least half an hour after consuming high acidic foods or drinks, and then start brushing. In the meantime, you can always rinse your mouth with tap water.


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Matcha Tea

AUTHOR Sharise  |  TAGS antioxidants matcha tea starbucks sugary drinks vaughan dentist vaughan moms

Every year it seems there is a new craze in the food and drink industry. This year all the hype is about Matcha Tea. Matcha tea is finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea leaves. While we all caught onto the green tea hype years ago because of its heightened amount of antioxidants (a substance that removes potentially damaging oxidizing agents in a living organism), it is said that one cup of Matcha Tea is comparable to three cups of green tea.

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