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The Facts on Fluoride

AUTHOR Marlena Mondino

  • Stops or even reverses decay process (keeps the enamel stay strong by preventing loss of minerals) and reduces sensitivity
  • Can find in drinking water from community water supply, toothpaste, mouthwash, tablets, drops
  • Dentist’s provide rinses, varnishes, gels
  • No scientific evidence that fluoridated water has causes disease or illness
  • Fluoridated toothpaste alone is not enough, that’s why we need other sources
  • Fluoride + children: children under age of 3, guardians should consult dentist prior to using fluoridated toothpaste (over use of fluoride during tooth development can lead to fluorosis)
  • Fluorosis are very faint white spots that appear on the tooth (does not affect the function or health of the tooth, only appearance)
  • Areas of fluorosis are actually more cavity resistant

Fluoride Varnishes

  • Applied only by professionals
  • Agents painted on teeth after cleaning
  • Hardens on tooth and stays on for 4-6 hours then brushed off, releasing fluoride gradually over months
  • Great for children due to less gagging and less swallowed

Fact: healthy gums do NOT bleed

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Stress induced oral health conditions

AUTHOR Marlena Mondino

Here are some conditions that can be caused by stress: 

Cold sores and Canker sores

Mostly caused by stress. If the lesion doesn’t heal within a 2-week period, it can be a sign of oral cancer. Call us for an oral cancer screening!

TMD Temporal Mandibular disorder

Most often, TMD is known as clenching or grinding(bruxism). It is usually a subconscious habit occurring during sleep. It results in jaw joint irritation, tooth sensitivity, cracked/bent teeth, wearing teeth, headaches, facial muscle pain, and neck pain. Call us for a consultation for a night guard or other treatment interventions of the worn dentition!

Increased cortisol levels 

This is caused by stress which induces the bodies inflammatory process. Increased inflammation leads to increased gingivitis. Regular/routinely cleanings are important to help reduce infection/inflammation. Book your cleaning appointment today!

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Daily habits that are good for your health but bad for your mouth!

AUTHOR Marlena Mondino

We all try to brush our teeth twice a day, and eat healthy foods as often as possible, but somethings that we think are actually good for our health, are not the greatest for our teeth. Here are some examples:

Brushing before you eat

When you eat acidic foods, such as oranges and apples, they tend to soften your enamel. When your enamel is soft and you use something abrasive on them, it will remove some of that enamel and leave your teeth feeling very sensitive. That is why it is recommended to brush your teeth before you eat something acidic, so that your enamel is still strong and won’t be removed.


Chewing on ice

A lot of people like chewing on ice as it is low in calories, and on a hot day, it can cool you off. However, it does have its downsides. Ice is very hard and can cause damage to your teeth, like cracks and chips. It can also cause jaw issues if chewed on for a long period of time. So always be cautious!


Sipping your wine

Some wines tend to have their health benefits, for example red wine. It can help with lowering your cholesterol and heart disease, but it is also acidic. Sipping your wine means more exposure to acid little by little, and this can ruin the enamel on your teeth. Try to mix some water with your wine, one sip of wine, on sip of water, to relieve the amount of acid exposure on your pearly whites.

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Scared of the dentist? Ways to help with Dental anxiety!

AUTHOR Marlena Mondino

When you think of going to the dentist, do you feel your heart start racing? Do you get nervous of sitting in the chair and having those sharp instruments in your mouth? Well, you are not alone when it comes to this! Studies show that 1 in 4 people have fears of going to the dentist. But there are ways to help you get over these issues.

Some people have developed these problems due to past experiences, and some are scared of the dentist because they are nervous about feeling pain. With the dental industry advancing all the time, there are many ways that sedation and anesthetics can help stop these fears.

There are a few ways to help with handling your fear of the dentist. One of them would be to come in and meet with the doctor to talk about your issues. They can go over the procedures that need to be done and talk about your anxiety and ways to treat it. They can also offer ways to keep you calm, such as a blanket or pillow during your appointment, or music to listen too.

Another way to help with your anxiety is to talk to your friends or family. Sometimes getting advice from the people closest to you can help manage your fear, and sharing their good experiences with you can make it a little easier to go to the dentist.

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We Won!

AUTHOR Marlena Mondino


Thank you to all our amazing patients for voting for us.

Your support means more then you will ever know!

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Why it’s important to see the dentist twice a year

AUTHOR Marlena Mondino

About 50 year’s ago, the standards for dental care were not the greatest. People would go to the dentist only when there was an emergency, and the preventive care given wasn’t as good as it is today.

The standards for dental care have definitely improved since then. Even if you have the best dental routine at home, it is still important to come every 6 months to see your dentist. Problems usually don’t occur until they are in the more advanced stages. This is why it is important to see your dentist regularly so problems such as cavities and gum disease can be detected before they reach those later stages.

On average, seeing the dentist twice a year is the common routine, however, if you are at high risk of getting cavities or gum disease, it is better to come every 3-4 months. Some examples of high risk cases include:

  • Smokers
  • Diabetics
  • People with gum disease
  • People who are prone to getting cavities

Always make sure to ask your dentist what they recommend your regular check-ups should be, as it isn’t the same for everyone.

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